Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A week or so ago news came out that Target donated $150,000.00 to a group supporting a conservative candidate for Governor in Minnesota. Target claims it supported this candidate because he is "business friendly" but many people were upset at the news because of the anti-gay stances this candidate has taken over the years. If Wal-Mart had supported the same candidate I doubt anyone would have noticed but Target has always promoted itself as a company that supports gay rights and so the donation the company made to support an anti-gay political candidate upset many.

The groups and individuals that have been calling for protests and boycotts of Target's stores across the country see this as a moral issue, someone should let them know that businesses aren't moral entities. Businesses exist to make a profit, plain and simple. The only businesses that care about gay rights are the companies that think support gay rights causes will help them increase their profits. They don't do it because it is the right thing to do or the moral thing to do, they do it because they hope it will put more money in their registers.

Nothing matters in the US anymore other than money. Target is doing exactly what any other large business would do, Yay capitalism.

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