Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gay marriage, a threat to our society?

Washington State has decided to recognize gay marriage. I didn't say legalize because I believe marriage equality is protected in the US Constitution and by US Supreme Court case law, what is actually illegal are the state bans against gay marriage. An appeals court has ruled Prop 8 in California unconstitutional. The New Jersey legislature has recognized gay marriage although it is very unlikely that New Jersey's governor will sign the measure into law. Of course conservatives are less than happy about all of this.

Conservatives say that gay marriage is a threat to our society but then they also say that food stamps make people want to not work. Food stamps cause laziness, allowing poor people, who of course choose to be poor, to just sit at home living the lush life off of the $33.45 per week that the average Tennessean on food stamps receives. Of course unemployment benefits are evil because they make people just want to take 99 week long vacations at the expense of the rest of us. Heck it only makes sense that if we got rid of unemployment benefits the unemployment rate would drop to nothing instantly! Well I have some information that conservatives might want to think about.

You know what makes me want to stop working and stop being a productive member of society? Being told by the state I live in that I don't deserve the same rights heterosexuals in Tennessee have. Why should I work hard and make contributions to a society that says I am not worthy of being consider a full citizen? I can't even talk about marriage equality here in Tennessee because in my home state I am not even considered to be fully human. A bill is currently working its way through the state legislature that will attempt to make even the mention of my existence illegal in most Tennessee public schools. We aren't talking about equality in my state, we are talking about the intellectual elimination of my community. Marriage? I can be denied a job or fired from a job for just being who I am. Marriage? I am talking about being denied an apartment because of how God made me. Marriage? I have to worry about what our elected officials, who are suppose to be focusing on our economy, are going to try and do to my community next. They have legalized discrimination against us, they have tried to give a legal excuse for bullying us and driving our kids to commit suicide, they are currently trying to turn us into Tennessee's Lord Voldemorts, "those who must not be named" in public schools.

You want members of the LGBT community to be productive members of society? Well then you had better be prepared to let us be full members of that society. We are sick and tired of the straight community in Tennessee mooching off us us through our hard work and then telling us that we are less than real citizens, some how less than human.

Conservatives claim to believe that we should be rewarded for our hard work, if you really believe that then allow all of us in this state to be rewarded for our hard work. I can work just as hard as a straight Tennessean, I can be just as smart as a straight Tennessean, I can be just as productive as a straight Tennessean, but I can never be as successful because I can't be fully free in our state. My success will always be tempered by the fear that I will be fired just because of who I am, that I won't be able to move into that nice home I worked so hard for because the current owner just doesn't want to sell it to someone like me. How can I feel successful if my partner and myself have kids and their teachers can't even acknowledge the existence of our kid's parents. Do not punish me and my community for our hard work, stand up for what you say are your beliefs, show me that this state actually wants me to work hard and contribute and succeed. If not then you don't want freedom, you don't want capitalism, you want a theocracy, and that is as un-American and un-patriotic as it is possible to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dude,

    The Washington state Senate passed a bill Wednesday night that would legalize same-sex marriage, setting the stage for the state to become the seventh to allow gay and lesbian couples to wed. Thanks for sharing it....
