Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Birthers still exist?

Had an interesting conversation tonight with a staunchly conservative individual who claimed that President Obama had assumed the presidency in violation of the Constitutional requirements for a President of the United States. He claimed that President Obama was not a natural born US citizen and therefor could not legally be president. When I mentioned that President Obama had released his long form birth certificate from the state of Hawaii he said it was a forgery. When I mentioned the birth announcements that had come out in Honolulu newspapers at the time of his birth he said that they had been falsified.

So I asked him, if all the evidence that proves that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii is somehow false what evidence did he have proving that Obama had been born somewhere else? After all if his Hawaiian birth certificate is a forgery as he claimed there most be some sort of "real" documentation available showing that Obama was born in Kenya or somewhere else outside of the United States.

His response... He said that the evidence existed but that he couldn't remember what it was. Well until I see proof that Obama was born outside of the US I will have to accept the evidence that has been provided and verified showing that he was born in the US. So there you go birthers, stop trying to claim that all the evidence showing President Obama was born in the US is false and show us some evidence that he was in fact born somewhere else. I won't hold my breath.

1 comment:

  1. This goes back to the point I was making a while ago. When more than 50% of the south still thinks he is a Muslim, and 40% don't believe he is a citizen there is something else going on. This is coming from the same group where almost 70% still believe interracial marriage should be illegal. Hell, the idea of gay marriage, I am sure, will produce a stroke in these same people. So the argument is not about where he was born, or even his religion. There are serious deficits in the ability to reason Ina large part of this country. At some point, we have to stop pretending that it is a valid opinion, and realize there is a flaw in logical thought. If someone were to claim the world was flat, would we continue to debate with them and show them evidence, or at some point would we question their ability to grasp e truth. I , for one, am done pretending there is any validity to those types of opinions.
