Recently a bill to repeal "Don't Ask Don't Tell" passed the US House of Representatives and was then sent to the Senate for a vote. Polls show that a large majority of Americans support repealing DADT, in fact a recent poll says that 77% of Americans support repealing DADT. Obviously Bob Corker doesn't care what Americans think.
Currently thousands of men and women are bravely serving our nation who, in order to get the chance to risk their lives for us, had to lie about who they are. They have to lie every day about who they are. When they come home from Iraq or Afghanistan they don't get off the plane or the boat and look out to see the most important person in the world. They can only look out and wish they wouldn't be risking their job if they ran out and gave their partner a hug and a kiss. Bob Corker obviously doesn't care about the brave men and women in our military forces.
Bob Corker cares so little about our service men and women and what the majority of Americans want that he wants to stop the vote on the repeal. In order to stop the vote he has announced that he will try and stop the vote on the START Treaty if the DADT vote comes up. The START Treaty will reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world. Nuclear weapons that are currently aimed directly at the United States. This treaty will improve our national security and make us all safer. The START Treaty is supported by people like George Bush, Sr. and Jr. There is a long list of both Republicans and Democrats who support the passage of the START Treaty and who say that it is necessary for our national security. Bob Corker obviously doesn't care about our national security.
Bob Corker doesn't care about what the people of this country want. Bob Corker doesn't care about the brave members of our military. Bob Corker doesn't care about our national security. Bob Corker hates America and we should do everything in our power to make sure he doesn't get another term in the senate.
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